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E-Commerce Online Stores

Internet Merchant Account Shopping Cart Price Comparison

Web Site Hosts with Shopping Cart and Real Time Processing*


E-Commerce Shopping
Cart Services:
Microsoft bCentral® Yahoo!® Store eBay® Stores

Price Comparison

Primary Fees $19.95/month $29.95/month or $259/year $100/month for a store selling 50 items. $300/month for up to 1000 items. Larger stores costs $300/month for the first 1000 items plus $100/month for each additional 1000 items. You pay: $9.95/month plus $.05/item added and pay on every sale: $25 and under: $1.25 $25.01 and up: $1.25 plus 2.5% of value over $25
Startup Costs $99 set up $59.85 $122.95 $9.95 plus use fees
Cancellation Penalty None $29.95 + Yes - merchant account requires a six-month contract None
Includes Merchant Account For Payment Processing Yes No No No
Merchant Account Cost Included $19.95/month $22.95/month Billed per use
Discount Rates/
Transaction Fee
1.99% to 2.49% + $.30 (AVS included) 2.35% + $.20+ $.10 AVS Secret until after you sign up with Yahoo 3% for ticket sizes over $15 plus $.35
Rate review annually to lower rates as business grows and establishes reliability Yes No No No
Telephone Support Included $9.95/month Not Available Not Available
Total Costs (excluding transaction fees) $19.95/month $59.85/month $122.95/month $9.95/month plus use fees
Monthly Fees Waived if no activity Yes No No No

Comparison of Shopping Cart, Hosting, and Processing Services

Number of Companies/
One Company, One Application Two Companies, Two Applications Two Companies, Two Applications Two Companies, Two Applications
Accepts Online Check Payments Yes No Option No Option Yes
Fee for Online Checks $.60/item N/A N/A $.35/item+ 1.5%
Unlimited Products and Categories Yes 40 MB total amount 50 product limit at this price level Yes
Includes Email Accounts Yes Yes No No
Choice of Payment for Sign up Yes No. A credit card is required No. A credit card is required Yes
Virtual Terminal for manual transaction entry? Process checks? Yes/Yes Yes/No Yes/No No/No
Receipt of transaction automatically sent to customer Yes Yes No Yes
Onerous Restrictions vs. Merchant America Indexed responses to numbered restrictions shown at right:
1) ECHO always notifies you of changes to programs and policies!
2) System features a 99% uptime guarantee!
3 & 5) Merchants are free to post links to their other commercial sites!
4 & 6) ECHO provides 24/7 Live Telephone Support!
1) Microsoft does not and will not notify you of any changes to the terms of use and notices or additional terms.
2) Your access to and use is at your own risk. Microsoft makes no guarantees of any kind regarding the dependability, accuracy, security, timeliness or availability of the bCentral Network or such products or services.
3) Can not post links to third party commerce web sites outside Yahoo! Shopping.
4) No phone support is available only via e-mail. Yahoo reserves the right to establish limitations on the extent of such support and the hours at which it is available.
5) Can not post links to third party commerce web sites outside eBay.
6) No phone support is available, only via e-mail.
* Information current as of 8/1/01. ECHO and its Merchant America service are not affiliated with Microsoft, eBay or Yahoo!, Inc. ECHO's best efforts were made to ensure the accuracy of all facts. BCentral is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. Yahoo! is a registered trademark of Yahoo! Inc. eBay is a registered trademark of eBay, Inc. MPC - 1 9/01
