Free Real Time Transaction Software

Its easier than ever to write e-commerce applications that do transaction processing in real time!

VeloCT Payment Gateway and software for Shopping Cart Integration:

Our unique system requires unique login and ID for multiple users and has tremendous fraud screening controls. You can select a blacklist, emails, Ip addresses, dot extension screening and more and repeated credit card hacking system. You can also charge customer by using our virtual Terminal System which is secure.

Want to accept Checks (Verified by Visa):

We have an integrated ACH system and E-payment solutions to choose from which includes ACH and electronic checks with integrated payment forms.

How secure is the Payment Gateway?

It has secure and centralized data management and is hosted in a 24 hour secured high capacity data center.

Are the transactions through your gateway fast?

The transaction process takes only 1.5 to 3.5 seconds (it also depends on the processor) All high volume merchants can choose a direct source secure socket to and from the VeloCT gateway.

How customizable are the payment forms?

The payment forms are very customizable and you have access to change fields, change colors, fonts, place logo, and it complies with the New ECML standards by Mastercard for shopping cart compatibility. You can automize your email messages for the virtual terminal and automated general emails as well. You can also set up for re-bills and account activations.

Processor Certifications:

Some of the certified processors include FDR Omaha, Nashville, Vital, Nova, Global East and Firepay.

Customer Transaction and Data Monitoring:

You can view and monitor your customer base daily with our easy to use data center. You can view all transactions approved and declined, void, credit and return and batch.

ACI Response Codes:

These Response codes identify downgraded, non-qualified transactions.

CVV2 Response Codes:

FDR and Vital 3-digit card number verification.

AVS Codes:

AVS code parameters can be adjusted for issuing bank and processor requirements.

What type of Search & Report features are there?

Through VeloCt's custom reports it allows merchants to analyze and customize the criteria into special reports. This can include settlement, transaction origin, date, status or amounts. You can also export to Excel and Quickbooks.

Purchase Card Level II Processing: Does it allow level lll pass through?

Veloct meets the needs of business institutions who require to pass through Level III purchase card data.

Internal Periodic Billing & Invoicing Systems:

The Veloct system can handle periodic billing with a full-factored automated invoicing system. All Sales Agents can qualify for direct billing of their merchants when required.

When are Daily Automated Settlements settled?

Transactions are settled automatically each night.

Membership and Password Management:

It contains Real-time membership sign-up and self-cancellation, recurring billing, and nightly local password file synchronization.

Multiple Website Support:

The creative and cost effective feature is that Sales Agents can manage multiple websites under one Visa/MC approved account.

Batch Processing:

The larger merchants can batch their credit card and check files in a matter of 5 transactions per second. THAT'S FAST!

Swipe Data Certification:

All retail POS systems with swipe wedge can integrate to veloCt through High speed internet connections.

Hotel Interchange: What is Hotel Interchange Certification?

Hotels can accept credit cards for online reservations. The Hotel interchange rates are qualified.

See Our Shopping Cart Software Page .

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